POST /api/v1/admin/batch-archive
Batch Archive resources from an Entity
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
Archived the requested resources of an Entity |
<<>> |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PATCH /api/v1/admin/{id}/archive
Archive a resource from an Entity
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
Archived the requested resource of an Entity |
<<>> |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
DELETE /api/v1/admin/archived
Delete archived resources from an Entity
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
Deleted the archived resource of an Entity |
<<>> |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/admin/batch-delete
Batch Delete archived resources from an Entity
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
Deleted the requested resources |
<<>> |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PUT /api/v1/admin/sync-api-clients
Import provider Clients
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
Imported provider Clients |
<<>> |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PUT /api/v1/admin/sync-users
Import provider Users
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
Imported provider Users |
<<>> |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/api-clients/
Create an Api Client
Code | Message | Datatype |
201 |
Api Client created |
CreateNewApiClientResponse[CreateNewApiClientResponse] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
DELETE /api/v1/api-clients/{id}
Delete Api Client
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
Api Client Deleted |
<<>> |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/api-clients/{id}
Get Api Client
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found Api Client |
GetApiClientResponse[GetApiClientResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/api-clients/{id}/reset-secret
Reset Api Client’s secret
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Api Client's secret was reset |
ResetApiClientSecretResponse[ResetApiClientSecretResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/api-clients/search
Search Api Clients
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Found Api Clients |
GetApiClientResponseDtoPage[GetApiClientResponseDtoPage] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PATCH /api/v1/api-clients/{id}
Update an Api Client
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
The id of the desired Api Client |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Api Client updated |
UpdateApiClientResponse[UpdateApiClientResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v2/certificates/cert-requests/{id}
Order a Certificate by Certificate Request
Code | Message | Datatype |
201 |
Certificate Ordered |
OrderCertificateResponseDto[OrderCertificateResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v2/certificates/cert-requests
Order Multiple Certificates by Certificate Requests
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Certificates ordered |
OrderMultipleCertificatesResponseDto[OrderMultipleCertificatesResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/authenticated-principal/
Get Authenticated Principal
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Authenticated Principal Found |
AuthenticatedPrincipalResponseDto[AuthenticatedPrincipalResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/authenticated-principal/permissions
Get Authenticated Principal concatenated permissions
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Authenticated Principal Permissions Found |
GetAuthenticatedPrincipalPermissionsResponseDto[GetAuthenticatedPrincipalPermissionsResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/cas/{id}/download
Download CA Certificate
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
CA Certificate Downloaded |
CaCertificateDataPemDto[CaCertificateDataPemDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/cas/{id}
Get CA by Id
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found CA |
GetCaResponseDto[GetCaResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/cas/get-trusted
Get trusted CAs in PEM format according to the search criteria.
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Trusted CAs acquired |
GetTrustedCasResponseDto[GetTrustedCasResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/cas/import
Import CA Certificate(s) from pem file content
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
CA Certificate(s) Imported |
ImportCaResponseDto[ImportCaResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/cas/search
Search CA
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found CA |
SearchCaResponseDtoPage[SearchCaResponseDtoPage] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PATCH /api/v1/cas/{id}
Update a CA
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
Id of the CA that will be updated |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
CA Updated |
UpdateCaResponseDto[UpdateCaResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/cas/import/verify
Verify CA Certificate(s) from PEM file content
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
CA Certificate(s) Verified |
VerifyImportCaResponseDto[VerifyImportCaResponseDto] |
PATCH /api/v1/cert-requests/{id}/approve
Approve a Certificate Request
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Request Approved |
ApproveCertReqResponseDto[ApproveCertReqResponseDto] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/cert-requests/
Create a Certificate Request
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Certificate Request Created |
CreateCertReqResponseDto[CreateCertReqResponseDto] |
POST /api/v1/cert-requests/multiple
Create a Certificate Request for multiple End Entities
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Certificate Request Created |
CreateMultipleCertReqResponseDto[CreateMultipleCertReqResponseDto] |
PATCH /api/v1/cert-requests/{id}/decline
Decline a Certificate Request
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Request Declined |
DeclineCertReqResponseDto[DeclineCertReqResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PUT /api/v1/cert-requests/examine-pkcs10-request
Examine PKCS10 request against End Entity and Policy
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Examination completed |
ExaminePkcs10RequestResponseDto[ExaminePkcs10RequestResponseDto] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/cert-requests/{id}
Get a Certificate Request
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Request Found |
GetCertReqResponseDto[GetCertReqResponseDto] |
PATCH /api/v1/cert-requests/{id}/additional-data
Get Certificate Request additional data
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Request Found |
GetCertRequestAdditionalDataResponseDto[GetCertRequestAdditionalDataResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/cert-requests/end-entities/{id}/by-pkcs10
Get Certificate Request by End Entity and PKCS10
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
The id of the End Entity, used to find the desired Certificate Request |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Request found |
GetCertReqResponseDto[GetCertReqResponseDto] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/cert-requests/realms/{id}/pending
Get pending Certificate Requests of a specific Realm
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Pending Certificate Requests of Realm Found |
GetPendingCertReqResponseDtoPage[GetPendingCertReqResponseDtoPage] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/cert-requests/{id}/roles
Get role names of respective certificate request
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Role names Found |
GetEntityRoleNamesResponseDto[GetEntityRoleNamesResponseDto] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/cert-requests/import-certificates
Import certificates
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Certificates imported |
ImportCertificatesResponseDto[ImportCertificatesResponseDto] |
POST /api/v1/cert-requests/{id}/resend-verification-email
Resend E-Mail verification for a Certificate Request
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
The id of the Certificate Request for which the resend verification E-Mail is requested |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
E-Mail verification sent |
<<>> |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/cert-requests/search-all
Search all Certificate Requests
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Certificate Requests Found |
GetCertReqResponseDtoPage[GetCertReqResponseDtoPage] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/cert-requests/search
Search Certificate Requests
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Certificate Requests Found |
GetCertReqResponseDtoPage[GetCertReqResponseDtoPage] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/cert-requests/import-certificates/verify
Verify import certificates request
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Import certificates request verified |
VerifyImportCertificatesResponseDto[VerifyImportCertificatesResponseDto] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/certificates/cert-requests/{id}
Create Certificate by Certificate Request
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Certificate Created |
CreateCertificateResponseDto[CreateCertificateResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/certificates/cert-requests
Create Multiple Certificates by Certificate Requests
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Certificates Created |
CreateMultipleCertificateFromCertRequestsResponseDto[CreateMultipleCertificateFromCertRequestsResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificates/policies/{id}/download-ca-chain
Download the CA chain for a specified Policy
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Policy CA chain downloaded successfully |
CaCertificatePemDto[CaCertificatePemDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificates/{id}/download
Download Certificate
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Downloaded |
CertificatePemDto[CertificatePemDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificates/{id}/download-chain
Download Chain of Certificate
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Chain Downloaded |
CertificatePemDto[CertificatePemDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificates/{id}/download-private-key
Download private key of the Certificate
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Certificate private key downloaded |
CertificatePrivateKeyPemDto[CertificatePrivateKeyPemDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificates/batch-download
Batch Download Certificates
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
ids |
The list of ids in order to specify the desired Certificates [UUID] |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificates Downloaded |
ZippedFileDto[ZippedFileDto] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificates/{id}/crl
Download crl for a Certificate
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate's crl downloaded |
CrlDto[CrlDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/certificates/{id}/email
Send Certificate E-Mail
Code | Message | Datatype |
204 |
Certificate E-Mail sent |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificates/{id}/audit-events
Get Audit Events for a Certificate
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate's Audit Events Found |
GetAuditEventResponseDtoList[GetAuditEventResponseDtoList] |
GET /api/v1/certificates/by-fingerprint
Get Certificate by fingerprint
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found Certificate |
GetCertificateResponseDto[GetCertificateResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/certificates/by-issuer-dn-bin-and-serial-number
Get Certificate by issuer dn bin and serial number
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found Certificate |
GetCertificateResponseDto[GetCertificateResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificates/{id}
Get Certificate
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found Certificate |
GetCertificateResponseDto[GetCertificateResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificates/realms/{id}
Get available Certificates in Realm
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
The id of the Realm which will be used to get the Certificates that are a part of it |
X |
null |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found Certificates |
GetCertificateResponseDtoPage[GetCertificateResponseDtoPage] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificates/{id}/roles
Get role names of respective certificate
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Role names Found |
GetEntityRoleNamesResponseDto[GetEntityRoleNamesResponseDto] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificates/{id}/ocsp-status
Get the OCSP status of a Certificate
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
OCSP status of Certificate Found |
OcspStatusCheckDto[OcspStatusCheckDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificates/realms/{id}/expiring
Get the Certificates that are expiring soon of the requested Realm
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Expiring soon Certificates for the Realm Found |
GetCertificateResponseDtoPage[GetCertificateResponseDtoPage] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PATCH /api/v1/certificates/mark-as-revoked
Mark Certificates as revoked
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
Certificates Marked As Revoked |
<<>> |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificates/{id}/pkcs12
Retrieve P12 Certificate
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
P12 Certificate Retrieved |
KeystoreFileDto[KeystoreFileDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/certificates/revoke
Revoke Certificate
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Revoked |
RevokeCertificateResponseDto[RevokeCertificateResponseDto] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/certificates/batch-revoke
Batch Revoke Certificates
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificates Revoked |
RevokeMultipleCertificateResponseDto[RevokeMultipleCertificateResponseDto] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/certificates/search-all
Search all Certificates
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found Certificates |
GetCertificateResponseDtoPage[GetCertificateResponseDtoPage] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/certificates/search
Search Certificates
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found Certificates |
GetCertificateResponseDtoPage[GetCertificateResponseDtoPage] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/certificates/validate
Validates a PEM certificate returning true/false and CA chain, if the certificate can be validated by the known CAs in the system
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate is validated |
CertificateValidationResponseDto[CertificateValidationResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/certificates/validate-plain
Validates a PEM certificate returning true/false, if the certificate can be validated by the known CAs in the system
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate is validated |
CertificatePlainValidationResponseDto[CertificatePlainValidationResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/certificate-providers/{id}/check-connection
Check connected of the Certificate Provider
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Provider connected Checked |
CheckCertificateProviderConnectionDto[CheckCertificateProviderConnectionDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/certificate-providers/
Create a Certificate Provider
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Created Certificate Provider |
CreateCertificateProviderResponseDto[CreateCertificateProviderResponseDto] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificate-providers/{id}
Get Certificate Provider by Id
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found Certificate Provider |
GetCertificateProviderResponseDto[GetCertificateProviderResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/certificate-providers/search
Find the Certificate Providers
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Providers Found |
GetCertificateProviderResponseDtoPage[GetCertificateProviderResponseDtoPage] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/certificate-providers/minimal/search
Find the Certificate Providers (non admin)
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Providers Found |
GetCertificateProviderMinimalResponseDtoPage[GetCertificateProviderMinimalResponseDtoPage] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PATCH /api/v1/certificate-providers/{id}
Update a Certificate Provider
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
Id of Certificate Provider that will be updated |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Provider Updated |
UpdateCertificateProviderResponseDto[UpdateCertificateProviderResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificate-providers-options/{id}/all-cara-template-signers
Returns all Template Signers of the Certificate Provider with this ID and the RA Template Signers
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Template Signers Found |
CaraTemplateSignerDtoList[CaraTemplateSignerDtoList] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificate-providers-options/{id}/msca-templates
Returns the MS CA Templates of the Certificate Provider with this ID
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
MS CA Templates Found |
MscaTemplatesResponseDto[MscaTemplatesResponseDto] |
GET /api/v1/certificate-providers-options/{id}/public-cas-products
Returns the Public CAs products of the Certificate Provider with this ID
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Public CAs Products Found |
PublicCAsProductsResponseDto[PublicCAsProductsResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/certificate-providers-options/{id}/cara-template-signers
Returns the Template Signers of the Certificate Provider with this ID
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Template Signers Found |
CaraTemplateSignerDtoList[CaraTemplateSignerDtoList] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/cmp/calculate-mac
Perform a MAC calculation with an End Entity password and a policy
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Mac calculation operation was completed without errors. See response for verification result. |
CmpCalculateMacResponseDto[CmpCalculateMacResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/cmp/policies/{policyId}/configuration
Find a CMP configuration by a policy ID
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
CMP configuration Found |
GetCmpConfigurationResponseDto[GetCmpConfigurationResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/cmp/sign
Signs the data with CMP signer for the policy provided in the parameters
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Data signed |
SignDataResponseDto[SignDataResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/cmp/verify-mac
Perform a MAC verification with an End Entity password and a policy
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Mac verify operation was completed without errors. See response for verification result. |
CmpVerifyMacResponseDto[CmpVerifyMacResponseDto] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/configuration/check-email-connection
Check the connection of the configuration E-Mail
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
The Configuration E-Mail connection was checked successfully |
<<>> |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/configuration/
Create new Configuration
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Configuration Created |
CreateConfigurationResponseDto[CreateConfigurationResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
DELETE /api/v1/configuration/{settingsKey}
Delete Configuration
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
Configuration Deleted |
<<>> |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/configuration/{settingsKey}
Retrieve Configuration by Setting key
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Configuration Found |
GetConfigurationResponseDto[GetConfigurationResponseDto] |
POST /api/v1/configuration/search
Search Configuration
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found Configuration |
GetConfigurationResponseDtoPage[GetConfigurationResponseDtoPage] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PATCH /api/v1/configuration/
Update Configuration
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Configuration Updated |
UpdateConfigurationResponseDto[UpdateConfigurationResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PATCH /api/v1/configuration/batch
Update Configuration values in batch mode
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Configuration values Updated |
UpdateConfigurationBatchResponseDto[UpdateConfigurationBatchResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/crypto-modules/
Create a Crypto Module
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Created Crypto Module |
CreateCryptoModuleResponseDto[CreateCryptoModuleResponseDto] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/crypto-modules/{id}
Get Crypto Module by ID
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Crypto Module found |
GetCryptoModuleResponseDto[GetCryptoModuleResponseDto] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PATCH /api/v1/crypto-modules/{id}/health-check
Perform health check for Crypto Module
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Health check for crypto module performed |
GetCryptoModuleHealthCheckResponseDto[GetCryptoModuleHealthCheckResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/crypto-modules/search
Search the Crypto Modules
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Crypto Modules found |
GetCryptoModuleResponseDtoPage[GetCryptoModuleResponseDtoPage] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/end-entities/
Create an End Entity
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Created End Entity |
CreateEndEntityResponseDto[CreateEndEntityResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/end-entities/find-by-cert-bytes
Get End Entity by certificate bytes
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Found End Entity |
GetEndEntityResponseDto[GetEndEntityResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/end-entities/policies/{id}/by-end-entity-dataset
Find End Entity by Policy and End Entity dataset
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
The id passed in the url is the id of the Policy that will be used for the search of the End Entity |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
End Entity found by Policy and dataset |
GetEndEntityResponseDto[GetEndEntityResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/end-entities/policies/{id}/by-pkcs10
Find End Entity by Policy and PKCS10
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
The id passed in the url is the id of the Policy that will be used for the search of the End Entity |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
End Entity found by Policy and PKCS10 |
GetEndEntityResponseDto[GetEndEntityResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/end-entities/{id}
Get End Entity by Id
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Found End Entity |
GetEndEntityResponseDto[GetEndEntityResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/end-entities/realms/{realmId}/externals/{externalId}
Get End Entity by Realm and External Id
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Found End Entity |
GetEndEntityResponseDto[GetEndEntityResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/end-entities/{id}/roles
Get role names of respective end entity
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Role names Found |
GetEntityRoleNamesResponseDto[GetEntityRoleNamesResponseDto] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/end-entities/search-all
Search all End Entities
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found End Entities |
GetEndEntityResponseDtoPage[GetEndEntityResponseDtoPage] |
POST /api/v1/end-entities/search
Search End Entities
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found End Entities |
GetEndEntityResponseDtoPage[GetEndEntityResponseDtoPage] |
PATCH /api/v1/end-entities/{id}/alias
Set End Entity Alias
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
The id passed in the url is the End Entity's id for which the Alias will be set to |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Alias for End Entity was set |
GetEndEntityResponseDto[GetEndEntityResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/end-entities/upload-csv
Add multiple End Entities from csv file
Code | Message | Datatype |
201 |
The End Entities were saved successfully |
EndEntityMassImportResponseDto[EndEntityMassImportResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/end-entity-passwords/
Create Password for End Entity
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Password for End Entity created |
CreateEndEntityPasswordResponseDto[CreateEndEntityPasswordResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
DELETE /api/v1/end-entity-passwords/
Delete Password of End Entity
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
Password for End Entity Deleted |
<<>> |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/end-entity-passwords/end-entities/{endEntityId}/policies/{policyId}
Get End Entity Password by End Entity Id and Policy Id
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found End Entity Password |
GetEndEntityPasswordResponseDto[GetEndEntityPasswordResponseDto] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/end-entity-passwords/end-entities/{id}/
Find the End Entity Passwords connected with the specific End Entity
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
Id of the End Entity for which the search is requested |
X |
null |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
End Entity Passwords Found |
GetEndEntityPasswordResponseDtoPage[GetEndEntityPasswordResponseDtoPage] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/end-entity-passwords/reset
Reset Password of End Entity
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Password for End Entity was reset |
ResetEndEntityPasswordResponseDto[ResetEndEntityPasswordResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/api-error-values
Get Api Error values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Api Error values found |
GetApiErrorValuesResponseDtoList[GetApiErrorValuesResponseDtoList] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/cert-request-permissions
Get Certificate Request Permissions values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Request Permissions values found |
GetCertRequestPermissionResponseDtoList[GetCertRequestPermissionResponseDtoList] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/cert-status-values
Get Certificate Status values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Status values found |
GetCertStatusResponseDtoList[GetCertStatusResponseDtoList] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/certificate-permissions
Get Certificate Permissions values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Permissions values found |
GetCertificatePermissionResponseDtoList[GetCertificatePermissionResponseDtoList] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/certificate-provider-type-values
Get Certificate Provider type values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Provider type values found |
GetCertificateProviderTypeResponseDtoList[GetCertificateProviderTypeResponseDtoList] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/cert-search-key-values
Get Certificate Search Key values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Search Key values found |
GetCertificateSearchKeyResponseDtoList[GetCertificateSearchKeyResponseDtoList] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/cmp-signature-algorithm-values
Get CMP Signature Algorithm values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
CMP Signature Algorithm values found |
GetCmpSignatureAlgorithmResponseDtoList[GetCmpSignatureAlgorithmResponseDtoList] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/crypto-algorithm-values
Get Crypto Algorithm values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Crypto Algorithm values found |
GetCryptoAlgorithmResponseDtoList[GetCryptoAlgorithmResponseDtoList] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/crypto-module-type-values
Get Crypto Module type values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Crypto Module type values found |
GetCryptoModuleTypeListResponseDto[GetCryptoModuleTypeListResponseDto] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/ec-named-curves-values
Get EC Named Curves values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
EC Named Curves values found |
GetECNamedCurveResponseDtoList[GetECNamedCurveResponseDtoList] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/eddsa-named-curves-values
Get EdDSA Named Curves values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
EdDSA Named Curves values found |
GetEdDSANamedCurveResponseDtoList[GetEdDSANamedCurveResponseDtoList] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/end-entity-permissions
Get End Entity Permissions values
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
End Entity Permissions values found |
GetEndEntityPermissionResponseDtoList[GetEndEntityPermissionResponseDtoList] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/end-entity-properties
Get End Entity Properties values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
End Entity Properties values found |
GetEndEntityPropertyResponseDtoList[GetEndEntityPropertyResponseDtoList] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/entities-enum-values
Get End Entity Enum values
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
End Entity Enum values found |
GetEntitiesEnumResponseDtoList[GetEntitiesEnumResponseDtoList] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/entity-strategy-enum-values
Get Entity Strategy Enum values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Entity Strategy Enum values found |
GetEndEntityStrategyResponseDtoList[GetEndEntityStrategyResponseDtoList] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/global-permissions
Get Global Permissions values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Global Permissions values found |
GetGlobalPermissionResponseDtoList[GetGlobalPermissionResponseDtoList] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/key-pair-mode-values
Get Key Pair Mode values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Key Pair Mode values found |
GetKeyPairModeResponseDtoList[GetKeyPairModeResponseDtoList] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/policy-permissions
Get Policy Permissions values
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Policy Permissions values found |
GetPolicyPermissionResponseDtoList[GetPolicyPermissionResponseDtoList] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/realm-permissions
Get Realm Permissions values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Realm Permissions values found |
GetRealmPermissionResponseDtoList[GetRealmPermissionResponseDtoList] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/revocation-reason-values
Get Revocation Reason values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Revocation Reason values found |
GetRevocationReasonResponseDtoList[GetRevocationReasonResponseDtoList] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/rsa-key-size-values
Get RSA Key Size values
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
RSA Key Size values found |
GetRSAKeySizeResponseDtoList[GetRSAKeySizeResponseDtoList] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/public/enum/valid-for-values
Get Valid For values
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Valid For values found |
GetValidForResponseDtoList[GetValidForResponseDtoList] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/mailing-lists/
Create Mailing List
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Mailing List Created |
CreateNewMailingListResponseDto[CreateNewMailingListResponseDto] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/mailing-lists/{id}
Get Mailing List by Id
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Found Mailing List |
GetMailingListResponseDto[GetMailingListResponseDto] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/mailing-lists/search
Search Mailing Lists
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Mailing Lists Found |
GetMailingListResponseDtoPage[GetMailingListResponseDtoPage] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/mailing-lists/{id}
Update a Mailing List
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
The id of the Mailing List that will be updated |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Mailing List Updated |
UpdateMailingListResponseDto[UpdateMailingListResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/pkcs10/
Create a PKCS10 Request
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
PKCS10 Request Created |
CreatePkcs10ResponseDto[CreatePkcs10ResponseDto] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/pkcs10/parse
Parse a PKCS10 Request
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
PKCS10 Request Parsed |
ParsePkcs10ResponseDto[ParsePkcs10ResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/policies/end-entities/{id}/no-password
Find the Policies without an End Entity Password for a specific End Entity
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
Id of the End Entity for which the search is requested |
X |
null |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Policies Found |
GetPolicyResponseDtoPage[GetPolicyResponseDtoPage] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/policies/{id}/rules
Check End Entity Rules
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
End Entity Rules Checked |
CheckEndEntityResponseDto[CheckEndEntityResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/policies/
Create a Policy
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Policy Created |
CreatePolicyResponseDto[CreatePolicyResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PUT /api/v1/policies/allowed-crypto-params
Get policy allowed crypto parameters for provider provider and provider configuration
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
End Entity Rules Checked |
CryptoParametersDto[CryptoParametersDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/policies/{id}/roles
Get role names of respective policy
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Role names Found |
GetEntityRoleNamesResponseDto[GetEntityRoleNamesResponseDto] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/policies/certificate-providers/{id}
Search Policies that use a specific Certificate Provider
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
ID of the Certificate Provider for which the search of Policies is requested |
X |
null |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Policies Found connected to the specific Certificate Provider |
GetPolicyResponseDtoPage[GetPolicyResponseDtoPage] |
POST /api/v1/policies/realms
Find the Policies of multiple Realms
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Policies Found |
GetPolicyResponseDtoPage[GetPolicyResponseDtoPage] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/policies/{id}
Find a specific Policy
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Policy Found |
GetPolicyResponseDto[GetPolicyResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/policies/realms/{id}
Find the Policies of a Realm
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
Id of Realm for which Policies will be searched |
X |
null |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Policies Found |
GetPolicyResponseDtoPage[GetPolicyResponseDtoPage] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/policies/search-all
Search all Policies
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Policies Found |
GetPolicyResponseDtoPage[GetPolicyResponseDtoPage] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/policies/search
Search Policies
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Policies Found |
GetPolicyResponseDtoPage[GetPolicyResponseDtoPage] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PATCH /api/v1/policies/{id}
Update a Policy
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
Id of Policy that will be updated |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Policy Updated |
UpdatePolicyResponseDto[UpdatePolicyResponseDto] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/public/extract-end-entity-from-pkcs10
Extract End Entity info from PEM encoded PKCS10 Request
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Extracted End Entity info from PEM encoded PKCS10 Request |
ExtractEndEntityInfoFromPkcs10ResponseDto[ExtractEndEntityInfoFromPkcs10ResponseDto] |
POST /api/v1/public/verify-cert-request-with-email
Verify Certificate Request by E-Mail
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Verified Certificate Request and sent an E-Mail |
EmailVerifiedCertReqResponseDto[EmailVerifiedCertReqResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/ra-certificates/users/batch
Create Batch Ra Certificates for a User
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
User's Ra Certificates Created |
ZippedCertsBatchDto[ZippedCertsBatchDto] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/ra-certificates/users/{id}
Create/renew Ra Certificate for a single User
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
Id of the User whose Ra Certificate we are creating |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
User's Ra Certificate Created |
UpdateUserRaCertificateDto[UpdateUserRaCertificateDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/ra-certificates/users/{id}/crl
Download the Ra Certificate of a User
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Ra Certificate of the User Downloaded |
CrlDto[CrlDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/ra-certificates/users/{id}/download
Download the Ra Certificate of a User
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
User's Ra Certificate Downloaded |
RaCertificatePemDto[RaCertificatePemDto] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/ra-certificates/users/{id}/download-chain
Download the Certificate Chain of a User
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
User's Certificate Chain Downloaded |
RaCertificatePemDto[RaCertificatePemDto] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/ra-certificates/users/{id}/ocsp-status
Get the Ra OCSP Status of a User
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Got the Ra OCSP Status of the User |
OcspStatusCheckDto[OcspStatusCheckDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/ra-certificates/users/{id}
Find a specific User’s Ra Certificate
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Ra Certificate Found |
GetRaCertificateResponseDto[GetRaCertificateResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/ra-certificates/users/{id}/pkcs12
Retrieve the Ra PKCS12 Certificate of a User
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
User's Ra PKCS12 Certificate Retrieved |
KeystoreFileDto[KeystoreFileDto] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/ra-certificates/users/{id}/revoke
Revoke the Ra Certificate of a User
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
User's Ra Certificate Revoked |
RevokeRaCertificateResponseDto[RevokeRaCertificateResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/realms/
Create a Realm
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Realm Created |
CreateRealmResponseDto[CreateRealmResponseDto] |
GET /api/v1/realms/{id}/roles
Get role names of respective realm
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Role names Found |
GetEntityRoleNamesResponseDto[GetEntityRoleNamesResponseDto] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/realms/{id}
Find Realm
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Realm Found |
GetRealmResponseDto[GetRealmResponseDto] |
GET /api/v1/realms/
Find Realms
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Realms Found |
GetRealmResponseDtoPage[GetRealmResponseDtoPage] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/realms/search
Search Realms
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Realms Found |
GetRealmResponseDtoPage[GetRealmResponseDtoPage] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PATCH /api/v1/realms/{id}
Update a Realm
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
Id of the Realm that will be updated |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Realm Updated |
UpdateRealmResponseDto[UpdateRealmResponseDto] |
GET /api/v1/realm-statistics/{id}/cert-request-status
Get the Certificate Request Status Statistics of the requested Realm
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Request Status Statistics for the Realm Found |
GetCertRequestStatusStatisticsResponseDto[GetCertRequestStatusStatisticsResponseDto] |
GET /api/v1/realm-statistics/{id}/certificate-issuer
Get the Certificate Issuer Statistics of the requested Realm
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Certificate Issuer Statistics for the Realm Found |
GetCertificateIssuerStatisticsResponseDto[GetCertificateIssuerStatisticsResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/realm-statistics/{id}/certificate-provider-type
Get the Certificate Provider Type Statistics of the requested Realm
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Provider Type Statistics for the Realm Found |
GetCertificateProviderTypeStatisticsResponseDto[GetCertificateProviderTypeStatisticsResponseDto] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/realm-statistics/{id}/certificate-public-key-algorithm
Get the Certificate Public Key Algorithm Statistics of the requested Realm
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Public Key Algorithm Statistics for the Realm Found |
GetCertificatePublicKeyAlgorithmStatisticsResponseDto[GetCertificatePublicKeyAlgorithmStatisticsResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/realm-statistics/{id}/certificate-status
Get the Certificate Status Statistics of the requested Realm
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Certificate Status Statistics for the Realm Found |
GetCertificateStatusStatisticsResponseDto[GetCertificateStatusStatisticsResponseDto] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/realm-statistics/{id}/imported-certificates
Get the Imported Certificates Statistics of the requested Realm
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Imported Certificates Statistics for the Realm Found |
GetImportedCertificatesStatisticsResponseDto[GetImportedCertificatesStatisticsResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/realm-statistics/{id}/latest-audit-events
Get the latest Certificate Audit Events of the requested Realm
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Latest Certificate Audit Events |
GetAuditEventResponseDtoList[GetAuditEventResponseDtoList] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/realm-statistics/{id}/self-signed-certificates
Get the Self-signed Certificates Statistics of the requested Realm
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Self-signed Certificates Statistics for the Realm Found |
GetSelfSignedCertificatesStatisticsResponseDto[GetSelfSignedCertificatesStatisticsResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PUT /api/v1/roles/api-clients/assign
Assign Roles for multiple API Clients
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
API Client Roles assigned |
UpdateSecurityIdentityRolesBatchResponseDto[UpdateSecurityIdentityRolesBatchResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PUT /api/v1/roles/users/assign
Assign Roles for multiple Users
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
User Roles assigned |
UpdateSecurityIdentityRolesBatchResponseDto[UpdateSecurityIdentityRolesBatchResponseDto] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PUT /api/v1/roles/api-clients/unassign
Unassign Roles from multiple API Clients
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
API Client Roles unassigned |
UpdateSecurityIdentityRolesBatchResponseDto[UpdateSecurityIdentityRolesBatchResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PUT /api/v1/roles/users/unassign
Unassign Roles from multiple Users
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
User Roles unassigned |
UpdateSecurityIdentityRolesBatchResponseDto[UpdateSecurityIdentityRolesBatchResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/roles/
Create Role
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
Role created |
CreateRoleResponseDto[CreateRoleResponseDto] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
DELETE /api/v1/roles/{name}
Delete Role
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
Role deleted |
<<>> |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/roles/batch-delete
Batch Delete Roles
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Role(s) deleted |
BatchDeleteRolesResponseDto[BatchDeleteRolesResponseDto] |
GET /api/v1/roles/api-clients/{apiClientId}
Get API Client Roles
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
API Client Roles Found |
GetSecurityIdentityRolesResponseDto[GetSecurityIdentityRolesResponseDto] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/roles/{name}
Get Role
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Role Found |
GetRoleDetailsResponseDto[GetRoleDetailsResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/roles/{role}/security-identities
Get security identities of a role
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Security identities Found |
GetMinimalRealmRoleSecurityIdentityRepresentationResponseDto[GetMinimalRealmRoleSecurityIdentityRepresentationResponseDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/roles/users/{userId}
Get User Roles
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
User Roles Found |
GetSecurityIdentityRolesResponseDto[GetSecurityIdentityRolesResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/roles/search
Search Roles
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Roles Found |
GetRoleResponseDtoPage[GetRoleResponseDtoPage] |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PUT /api/v1/roles/api-clients/{apiClientId}
Update API Client Roles
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
apiClientId |
The id of the API Client |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
API Client Roles Updated |
<<>> |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PUT /api/v1/roles/{name}
Update Role
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Role updated |
UpdateRoleResponseDto[UpdateRoleResponseDto] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PUT /api/v1/roles/users/{userId}
Update User Roles
Code | Message | Datatype |
204 |
User Roles Updated |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/scep/decrypt
Decrypts the data with the signer of the policy provided in the parameters
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Data decrypted |
ScepDecryptDataResponseDto[ScepDecryptDataResponseDto] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/scep/ra-decrypt
Decrypts the data with the RA signer of the policy provided in the parameters
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Data decrypted |
ScepDecryptDataResponseDto[ScepDecryptDataResponseDto] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/scep/ra-sign
Signs the data with the RA signer of the policy provided in the parameters
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Data signed |
ScepSignDataResponseDto[ScepSignDataResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/scep/sign
Signs the data with the signer of the policy provided in the parameters
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Data signed |
ScepSignDataResponseDto[ScepSignDataResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/sign/sign-with-ca
Signs the data with the CA of the policy provided in the parameters
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Data signed |
SignDataResponseDto[SignDataResponseDto] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/users/{id}/update-password-login
Set or unset disable_password_login Role to User
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
Set disable_password_login role |
<<>> |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/users/certificates/ra-certificate
Find User by the RA Certificate
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
User Found |
UserDetailsDto[UserDetailsDto] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
GET /api/v1/users/{id}
Find User
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
User Found |
UserDetailsDto[UserDetailsDto] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/users/
Register a User
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
409 |
Conflict, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
201 |
User Registered |
UserDetailsDto[UserDetailsDto] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/users/search
Search Users
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
page |
Zero-based page index (0..N) |
- |
0 |
size |
The size of the page to be returned |
- |
20 |
sort |
Sorting criteria in the format: property,(asc |
desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported. [String] |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
Users Found |
UserDetailsDtoPage[UserDetailsDtoPage] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
POST /api/v1/users/email-update-password-batch
Send Batch update password E-Mails
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
204 |
Batch update password E-Mails sent |
<<>> |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
PUT /api/v1/users/{id}/set-details
Set a user’s Certificate Details
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
Id of User whose details will be set |
X |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
500 |
Internal Error, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
404 |
Not Found, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
405 |
Http method not allowed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
502 |
Bad Gateway, check the result for more information |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
403 |
Access Denied |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
200 |
User's Certificate Details Set |
UserDetailsDto[UserDetailsDto] |
401 |
Authentication Failed |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
415 |
Specified media not supported for this endpoint |
ApiExceptionResponse[ApiExceptionResponse] |
It includes filters that will be used to search for the desired resources
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
simpleSearchTerm |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
apiError |
X |
ApiError |
errorMessage |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
certificateId |
uuid |
certRequestStatus |
CertRequestStatus |
userResponses |
List of UserResponseDto |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes all the desired ids of a specific Type of Entity that will have their archived status updated
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
archiveEntityRequestDtoList |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
archived |
Boolean |
archivedDate |
Date |
date-time |
archivedBy |
uuid |
archivedByType |
SecurityIdentityType |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
objectId |
uuid |
eventDescription |
String |
occurredDate |
Date |
date-time |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
createdBy |
uuid |
createdByType |
SecurityIdentityType |
createdDate |
Date |
date-time |
lastModifiedBy |
uuid |
lastModifiedByType |
SecurityIdentityType |
lastModifiedDate |
Date |
date-time |
version |
Integer |
int32 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
authenticatedPrincipalType |
SecurityIdentityType |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
failedUserId |
uuid |
apiError |
ApiError |
It includes all the names of the roles to be deleted
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
roleNames |
X |
Set of [string] |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
successful |
Set of [string] |
failed |
Map of ApiError |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
filename |
String |
pemCertificate |
String |
It includes filters that will be used to search for the desired resources
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
simpleSearchTerm |
String |
issuerSearch |
Boolean |
caIds |
Set of [UUID] |
uuid |
validNotBeforeStart |
Date |
date-time |
validNotBeforeEnd |
Date |
date-time |
validNotAfterStart |
Date |
date-time |
validNotAfterEnd |
Date |
date-time |
archived |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
Long |
int64 |
name |
String |
caSubjectDn |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
caraTemplateSignerList |
List of CaraTemplateSignerDto |
It includes the PKCS10, which is needed to find the desired Certificate Request
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
pkcs10ReqBase64 |
X |
String |
It includes all the properties that can be used for the search
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
realmId |
X |
uuid |
simpleSearchTerm |
String |
policyId |
uuid |
certRequestIds |
Set of [UUID] |
uuid |
archived |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
endEntityId |
uuid |
policyId |
uuid |
serialNumber |
String |
subjectDn |
String |
subjectCommonName |
String |
issuerDn |
String |
issuerCommonName |
String |
validNotBefore |
String |
validNotAfter |
String |
certStatus |
CertStatus |
certPublicKeyAlgorithm |
CryptoAlgorithm |
fingerprint |
String |
certRequestId |
uuid |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
fileName |
String |
pemCertificate |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
fileName |
String |
pemPrivateKey |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
name |
X |
String |
certificateProviderType |
X |
CertificateProviderType |
It includes filters that will be used to search for the desired resources
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certificateProviderIds |
Set of [UUID] |
uuid |
archived |
Boolean |
certificateProviderType |
CertificateProviderType |
It includes filters that will be used to search for the desired resources
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
realmId |
uuid |
simpleSearchTerm |
String |
certificateIds |
Set of [UUID] |
uuid |
endEntityIds |
Set of [UUID] |
uuid |
policyIds |
Set of [UUID] |
uuid |
certStatuses |
Set of CertStatus |
certPublicKeyAlgorithms |
Set of CryptoAlgorithm |
serialNumber |
String |
issuerDn |
String |
subjectDn |
String |
issuerDnBin |
String |
subjectDnBin |
String |
validNotBeforeStart |
Date |
date-time |
validNotBeforeEnd |
Date |
date-time |
validNotAfterStart |
Date |
date-time |
validNotAfterEnd |
Date |
date-time |
selfSigned |
Boolean |
imported |
Boolean |
archived |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
result |
Boolean |
errorDescription |
String |
certificateChain |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
commonName |
X |
String |
organization |
String |
organizationalUnit |
String |
country |
String |
String |
domains |
List of [string] |
ips |
List of [string] |
genericDtoList |
List of GenericDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
endEntityPropertyApiErrorMap |
Map of ApiError |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
data |
X |
byte[] |
byte |
encodedPBMParameter |
X |
byte[] |
byte |
policyId |
X |
uuid |
endEntityId |
X |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certificateProviderDto |
X |
CertificateProviderDto |
signerConfigurationDto |
X |
SignerConfigurationDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certificateProviderId |
X |
uuid |
signerConfigurationDto |
X |
SignerConfigurationDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
policyId |
X |
uuid |
cmpConfigurationDto |
X |
CmpConfigurationDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
data |
X |
byte[] |
byte |
policyId |
X |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
macValue |
X |
byte[] |
byte |
data |
X |
byte[] |
byte |
encodedPBMParameter |
X |
byte[] |
byte |
policyId |
X |
uuid |
endEntityId |
X |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
cmpMacVerificationResult |
X |
CmpMacVerificationResult |
It includes all the properties needed for the creation of a Certificate Request
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
policyId |
X |
uuid |
endEntityId |
X |
uuid |
validFor |
ValidFor |
keyPairMode |
X |
KeyPairMode |
keyGenParamsDto |
KeyGenParamsDto |
pkcs10ReqBase64 |
String |
publicKeyBase64 |
String |
isSelfSigned |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certRequestId |
uuid |
certRequestStatus |
CertRequestStatus |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes all the necessary values to create a new Certificate Provider
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
X |
String |
certificateProviderType |
X |
CertificateProviderType |
configuration |
X |
Object |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
name |
X |
String |
certificateProviderType |
X |
CertificateProviderType |
configuration |
X |
Object |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certificate |
CertificateDto |
base64EncodedPkcs12 |
String |
base64EncodedJceKs |
String |
fileName |
String |
filePassword |
String |
version |
Integer |
int32 |
accessiblePrivateKey |
Boolean |
errorOccurred |
Boolean |
commonName |
String |
certificateId |
String |
It includes all the necessary values to create a new Configuration
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
setting |
X |
SettingsKey |
configurationValue |
X |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
configurationValue |
String |
setting |
SettingsKey |
version |
Integer |
int32 |
settingName |
String |
It includes all the necessary values to create a new Crypto Module
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
cryptoModuleType |
X |
CryptoModuleType |
name |
X |
String |
configuration |
X |
Object |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
name |
X |
String |
cryptoModuleType |
X |
CryptoModuleType |
configuration |
X |
Object |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes all the properties needed for the creation of a Password for and End Entity
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
endEntityIds |
X |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
policyId |
X |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
endEntityIds |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
policyId |
uuid |
password |
String |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes all the necessary values to create a new End Entity
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
realmId |
X |
uuid |
commonName |
X |
String |
organization |
String |
organizationalUnit |
String |
country |
String |
externalId |
String |
String |
domains |
List of [string] |
ips |
List of [string] |
genericDtoList |
List of GenericDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
commonName |
String |
organization |
String |
organizationalUnit |
String |
country |
String |
externalId |
String |
String |
domains |
List of [string] |
ips |
List of [string] |
genericDtoList |
List of GenericDto |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes all the properties needed for the creation of a Certificate Request for multiple End Entities
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
policyId |
X |
uuid |
endEntitiesIds |
X |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
validFor |
ValidFor |
keyPairMode |
X |
KeyPairMode |
keyGenParamsDto |
KeyGenParamsDto |
pkcs10ReqBase64 |
String |
publicKeyBase64 |
String |
isSelfSigned |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certRequestsCreated |
Map of CreateCertReqResponseDto |
certRequestsFailed |
Map of ApiError |
certificateRequests |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
zipFileInBase64 |
String |
filePassword |
String |
certificatesFailed |
Map of ApiError |
certificatesSuccessful |
Map of [UUID] |
uuid |
certificateIds |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
It includes all the properties needed for the creation of an Api Client
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
realmIds |
X |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
name |
X |
String |
defaultPolicyId |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
secret |
String |
clientId |
String |
name |
String |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes all the properties needed for the creation of a Mailing List
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
X |
String |
emails |
List of CreateNewEmailRequestDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
name |
String |
emails |
List of MailingListToEmailDto |
archived |
Boolean |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes the basic properties needed for the creation
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
firstName |
X |
String |
lastName |
X |
String |
X |
String |
passwordLoginEnabled |
Boolean |
It includes all the properties necessary for the creation
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
keyGenParamsDto |
KeyGenParamsDto |
endEntityInfoDto |
EndEntityInfoDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
pkcs10RequestPemEncoded |
X |
String |
pkcs10RequestFileName |
X |
String |
encryptedPrivateKeyInPemFormat |
X |
String |
privateKeyName |
X |
String |
privateKeyPassword |
X |
String |
It includes all the properties needed for the creation
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
realmId |
X |
uuid |
name |
X |
String |
certificateProviderId |
X |
uuid |
certificateProviderConfiguration |
X |
String |
requiresManualApproval |
Boolean |
allowedKeyPairModes |
X |
Set of KeyPairMode |
allowedValidForValues |
X |
Set of ValidFor |
cryptoRestrictions |
X |
CryptoRestrictionsDto |
endEntityRules |
Set of EndEntityRule |
dualControl |
Boolean |
requiresEmailVerification |
Boolean |
endEntityStrategy |
X |
EndEntityStrategy |
enforceActiveCertUniqueness |
Boolean |
enforceActiveCertUniquenessExpirationToleranceInDays |
Integer |
int32 |
cmpEnabled |
Boolean |
cmpConfigurationRequestDto |
CmpConfigurationRequestDto |
certificateImportAllowed |
Boolean |
selfSignedAllowed |
Boolean |
wildcardAllowed |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
name |
String |
certificateProviderDto |
CertificateProviderDto |
certificateProviderConfiguration |
String |
requiresManualApproval |
Boolean |
allowedKeyPairModes |
Set of KeyPairMode |
allowedValidForValues |
Set of ValidFor |
cryptoRestrictions |
CryptoRestrictionsDto |
endEntityRules |
Set of EndEntityRule |
dualControl |
Boolean |
requiresEmailVerification |
Boolean |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
enforceActiveCertUniqueness |
Boolean |
enforceActiveCertUniquenessExpirationToleranceInDays |
Integer |
int32 |
cmpEnabled |
Boolean |
cmpConfigurationResponseDto |
CmpConfigurationResponseDto |
certificateImportAllowed |
Boolean |
selfSignedAllowed |
Boolean |
wildcardAllowed |
Boolean |
It includes all the properties needed for the batch creation
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
validFor |
ValidFor |
keyGenParamsDto |
KeyGenParamsDto |
updateUserCertificateDtoList |
List of UpdateUserCertificateDto |
It includes all the properties needed for the creation
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
X |
String |
mailingListId |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
name |
String |
mailingListId |
uuid |
archived |
Boolean |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes all the properties needed for the creation
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
X |
String |
globalPermissions |
Set of GlobalPermission |
realmPermissions |
X |
policyPermissions |
X |
endEntityPermissions |
X |
certRequestPermissions |
X |
certificatePermissions |
X |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
String |
globalPermissions |
Set of GlobalPermission |
realmPermissions |
policyPermissions |
endEntityPermissions |
certRequestPermissions |
certificatePermissions |
It includes all the properties needed for the creation
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
validFor |
ValidFor |
keyPairMode |
X |
KeyPairMode |
keyGenParamsDto |
KeyGenParamsDto |
pkcs10ReqBase64 |
String |
publicKeyBase64 |
String |
It includes filters that will be used to search for the desired resources
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
simpleSearchTerm |
String |
archived |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
keyPairModes |
Set of KeyPairMode |
cryptoRestrictions |
CryptoRestrictionsDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
allowedCryptoAlgorithms |
X |
List of CryptoAlgorithm |
rsaKeyGenParams |
X |
List of RsaKeyGenParams |
ecKeyGenParams |
X |
List of EcKeyGenParams |
edDsaKeyGenParams |
X |
List of EdDsaKeyGenParams |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
certRequestStatus |
CertRequestStatus |
userResponses |
List of UserResponseDto |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes all the desired ids of a specific Type of Entity that will be deleted
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
entitiesId |
X |
List of [UUID] |
The list of Entity Ids that will be parsed to Delete them. These Entities must be archived and the Ids must be of Type UUID |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
namedCurve |
X |
String |
cryptoAlgorithm |
X |
CryptoAlgorithm |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
edDsaCurve |
X |
EdDsaCurve |
cryptoAlgorithm |
X |
CryptoAlgorithm |
It includes the E-Mail address that the E-Mail will be sent to
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
X |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
certRequestStatus |
CertRequestStatus |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes the multipart file in Base64 format and the realm's id
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
realmId |
X |
uuid |
csvFile |
X |
String |
It includes all the properties needed to authenticate with an End Entity and it's set Password
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
endEntityId |
X |
uuid |
password |
X |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
endEntity |
X |
GetEndEntityResponseDto |
policy |
X |
GetPolicyResponseDto |
endEntityId |
uuid |
policyId |
uuid |
It includes the End-Entity details required to identify the End-Entity
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
commonName |
X |
String |
organization |
String |
organizationalUnit |
String |
country |
String |
String |
domains |
List of [string] |
ips |
List of [string] |
genericDtoList |
List of GenericDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
commonName |
String |
organization |
String |
organizationalUnit |
String |
country |
String |
String |
externalId |
String |
domains |
List of [string] |
ips |
List of [string] |
genericDtoList |
List of GenericDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
commonName |
X |
String |
organization |
String |
organizationalUnit |
String |
country |
String |
String |
domains |
List of [string] |
ips |
List of [string] |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
endEntityIds |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
It includes all the properties needed for the deletion of an End Entity's Password
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
endEntityId |
X |
uuid |
policyId |
X |
uuid |
version |
Integer |
int32 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
required |
Boolean |
endEntityProperty |
X |
EndEntityProperty |
allowedValues |
X |
Set of [string] |
It includes all the properties that can be searched with
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
realmId |
X |
uuid |
simpleSearchTerm |
String |
policyId |
uuid |
endEntityIds |
Set of [UUID] |
uuid |
endEntityFilterDto |
EndEntityFilterDto |
archived |
Boolean |
It includes all the necessary properties to examine the PKCS10 request
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
policyId |
X |
uuid |
endEntityId |
X |
uuid |
pkcs10ReqBase64 |
X |
String |
It contains the PEM encoded PKCS10 Request
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
pemEncodedPkcs10 |
X |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
commonName |
String |
organization |
String |
organizationalUnit |
String |
country |
String |
String |
domains |
List of [string] |
ips |
List of [string] |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certRequestId |
uuid |
apiError |
ApiError |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certificateFingerprint |
String |
apiError |
ApiError |
It includes the properties needed to find the End Entity
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
realmId |
X |
uuid |
base64EncodedBytes |
X |
String |
It includes the Base64 version of the User's RA Certificate that we are searching for
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
base64EncodedBytes |
X |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certificateProviderId |
X |
uuid |
certificateProviderConfiguration |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
realmIds |
X |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
name |
String |
clientId |
X |
String |
defaultPolicyId |
uuid |
providerId |
uuid |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of GetApiClientResponse |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
apiErrorList |
List of ApiError |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
auditEventDtoList |
List of AuditEventDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
globalPermissions |
Set of GlobalPermission |
realmPermissions |
Map of [set] |
policyPermissions |
Map of [set] |
endEntityPermissions |
Map of [set] |
certRequestPermissions |
Map of [set] |
certificatePermissions |
Map of [set] |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
validNotBefore |
Date |
date-time |
validNotAfter |
Date |
date-time |
fingerprint |
String |
issuerCaId |
uuid |
rootCa |
Boolean |
issuerDn |
String |
subjectDn |
String |
verifyServers |
Boolean |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes all the needed properties to get the desired Certificate
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
issuerDnBin |
X |
String |
serialNumber |
X |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
policyId |
uuid |
policyName |
String |
endEntityId |
uuid |
endEntityCommonName |
String |
endEntityEmailAddress |
String |
keyPairMode |
KeyPairMode |
validFor |
ValidFor |
certRequestStatus |
CertRequestStatus |
keyGenParamsDto |
KeyGenParamsDto |
certificateId |
uuid |
isImported |
X |
Boolean |
isSelfSigned |
X |
Boolean |
userResponses |
List of UserResponseDto |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of GetCertReqResponseDto |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
additionalData |
Object |
isCertRequestUpdated |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certRequestPermissionList |
List of CertRequestPermission |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
requiresEmailVerification |
Long |
int64 |
pendingApproval |
Long |
int64 |
approved |
Long |
int64 |
declined |
Long |
int64 |
pendingIssuance |
Long |
int64 |
issued |
Long |
int64 |
issuanceFailed |
Long |
int64 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certStatusList |
List of CertStatus |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certificatePermissionList |
List of CertificatePermission |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
name |
X |
String |
certificateProviderType |
X |
CertificateProviderType |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
name |
X |
String |
certificateProviderType |
X |
CertificateProviderType |
configuration |
X |
Object |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certificateProviderTypeList |
List of CertificateProviderType |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
mtgCara |
Long |
int64 |
msNdes |
Long |
int64 |
msca |
Long |
int64 |
globalSign |
Long |
int64 |
pswPublicCas |
Long |
int64 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
rsa |
Long |
int64 |
ec |
Long |
int64 |
edDsa |
Long |
int64 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
endEntityId |
uuid |
endEntityCommonName |
String |
policyId |
uuid |
policyName |
String |
serialNumber |
String |
subjectDn |
String |
subjectCommonName |
String |
issuerDn |
String |
issuerCommonName |
String |
validNotBefore |
String |
validNotAfter |
String |
certStatus |
CertStatus |
certRevocationReason |
RevocationReason |
certPublicKeyAlgorithm |
CryptoAlgorithm |
fingerprint |
String |
certRequestId |
uuid |
isImported |
X |
Boolean |
isSelfSigned |
X |
Boolean |
accessiblePrivateKey |
X |
Boolean |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of GetCertificateResponseDto |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certificateSearchKeyList |
List of CertificateSearchKey |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
active |
Long |
int64 |
expired |
Long |
int64 |
revoked |
Long |
int64 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
cmpConfigurationDto |
CmpConfigurationDto |
policyId |
uuid |
signerCertChain |
String |
signerCertificateId |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
cmpSignatureAlgorithmList |
List of CmpSignatureAlgorithm |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
configurationValue |
String |
setting |
SettingsKey |
version |
Integer |
int32 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of GetConfigurationResponseDto |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
cryptoAlgorithmList |
List of CryptoAlgorithm |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
name |
X |
String |
cryptoModuleType |
X |
CryptoModuleType |
configuration |
X |
Object |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of GetCryptoModuleResponseDto |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
cryptoModuleTypes |
List of CryptoModuleType |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
ecNamedCurveList |
List of EcNamedCurve |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
edDsaCurveList |
List of EdDsaCurve |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
endEntityId |
uuid |
endEntityName |
String |
policyId |
uuid |
policyName |
String |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of GetEndEntityPasswordResponseDto |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
endEntityPermissionList |
List of EndEntityPermission |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
endEntityPropertyList |
List of EndEntityProperty |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
realmId |
X |
uuid |
commonName |
X |
String |
organization |
String |
organizationalUnit |
String |
country |
String |
externalId |
String |
String |
domains |
List of [string] |
ips |
List of [string] |
genericDtoList |
List of GenericDto |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
endEntityStrategy |
EndEntityStrategy |
alias |
String |
matchesPolicyEndEntityRules |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of GetEndEntityResponseDto |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
endEntityStrategyList |
List of EndEntityStrategy |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
entitiesEnumList |
List of EntitiesEnum |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
entityId |
uuid |
entityRoleNames |
Set of [string] |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
globalPermissionList |
List of GlobalPermission |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
imported |
Long |
int64 |
issued |
Long |
int64 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
keyPairModeList |
List of KeyPairMode |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
id |
uuid |
name |
String |
emails |
List of MailingListToEmailDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of GetMailingListResponseDto |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
users |
apiClients |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
policyId |
uuid |
endEntityId |
uuid |
keyPairMode |
KeyPairMode |
validFor |
ValidFor |
certRequestStatus |
CertRequestStatus |
keyGenParamsDto |
KeyGenParamsDto |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of GetPendingCertReqResponseDto |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
It includes the Realm Ids, needed for the search
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
realmIds |
X |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
policyPermissionList |
List of PolicyPermission |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
name |
X |
String |
certificateProviderDto |
X |
CertificateProviderDto |
certificateProviderConfiguration |
X |
String |
realmId |
X |
uuid |
requiresManualApproval |
Boolean |
allowedKeyPairModes |
X |
Set of KeyPairMode |
allowedValidForValues |
X |
Set of ValidFor |
cryptoRestrictions |
X |
CryptoRestrictionsDto |
endEntityRules |
Set of EndEntityRule |
dualControl |
Boolean |
requiresEmailVerification |
Boolean |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
endEntityStrategy |
X |
EndEntityStrategy |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
enforceActiveCertUniqueness |
Boolean |
enforceActiveCertUniquenessExpirationToleranceInDays |
Integer |
int32 |
cmpEnabled |
Boolean |
cmpConfigurationResponseDto |
CmpConfigurationResponseDto |
certificateImportAllowed |
Boolean |
selfSignedAllowed |
Boolean |
wildcardAllowed |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of GetPolicyResponseDto |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
rsaKeySizeList |
List of RsaKeySize |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
serialNumber |
String |
subjectDn |
String |
subjectCommonName |
String |
issuerDn |
String |
issuerCommonName |
String |
validNotBefore |
Date |
date-time |
validNotAfter |
Date |
date-time |
certStatus |
CertStatus |
certPublicKeyAlgorithm |
CryptoAlgorithm |
fingerprint |
String |
accessiblePrivateKey |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
realmPermissionList |
List of RealmPermission |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
name |
String |
mailingListDto |
MailingListDto |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of GetRealmResponseDto |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
revocationReasonList |
List of [string] |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
String |
providerId |
uuid |
globalPermissions |
Set of GlobalPermission |
realmPermissions |
policyPermissions |
endEntityPermissions |
certRequestPermissions |
certificatePermissions |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
String |
globalPermissions |
Set of GlobalPermission |
realmPermissions |
policyPermissions |
endEntityPermissions |
certRequestPermissions |
certificatePermissions |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of GetRoleResponseDto |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
roles |
X |
Set of GetRoleResponseDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
selfSigned |
Long |
int64 |
nonSelfSigned |
Long |
int64 |
The options regarding which CAs will be returned
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
includeRootOnly |
Boolean |
includeVerifyServersOnly |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
trustedCas |
List of [string] |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
validForList |
List of ValidFor |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
fingerprint |
String |
isRootCa |
Boolean |
The content of the PEM file containing the CAs to be verified
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
pemFileContents |
X |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
importedCaDtoList |
List of ImportCaDto |
cas |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
It includes encoded certificates and the necessary metadata for it
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
policyId |
X |
uuid |
discoveredCertsInPem |
X |
List of ImportPemCertificatesDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
hashAlgorithmId |
String |
successful |
failed |
certificates |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
server |
String |
port |
Integer |
int32 |
pemCertificates |
X |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
cryptoAlgorithm |
X |
CryptoAlgorithm |
keySize |
RsaKeySize |
exponent |
Integer |
namedCurve |
String |
edDsaCurve |
EdDsaCurve |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
base64EncodedPkcs12 |
String |
base64EncodedJceKs |
String |
fileName |
String |
filePassword |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
name |
String |
archived |
Boolean |
version |
Integer |
int32 |
It includes all the properties that can be used to filter the search request
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
simpleSearchTerm |
String |
mailingListIds |
Set of [UUID] |
uuid |
archived |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
emailId |
uuid |
mailingListId |
uuid |
emailName |
String |
optOut |
Boolean |
It includes all the properties needed to mark the desired Certificates as revoked
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certificatesIds |
X |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
name |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
templateNames |
List of [string] |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certRequestId |
uuid |
certRequestStatus |
CertRequestStatus |
certificateId |
uuid |
errorOccurred |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
base64EncodedZippedArtifacts |
String |
artifactsPassword |
String |
successfulCertificateOrders |
failedCertificateOrders |
List of FailedCertificateOrderResultDto |
issuedCertificateIds |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
successfulCertificateRequests |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
totalElements |
X |
Long |
int64 |
pageNumber |
X |
Integer |
int32 |
pageSize |
X |
Integer |
int32 |
numberOfElementsInPage |
X |
Integer |
int32 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
keyPairMode |
X |
KeyPairMode |
keyGenParamsDto |
X |
KeyGenParamsDto |
pkcs10ReqBase64 |
String |
It includes the base64 Encoded Pkcs10 needed to search for the End Entity
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
base64EncodedPkcs10 |
X |
String |
It includes all the properties that can be used for the search
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
realmId |
X |
uuid |
simpleSearchTerm |
String |
policyIds |
Set of [UUID] |
uuid |
archived |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
products |
List of PublicCasProductResponseDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
number |
String |
monthValidity |
Integer |
int32 |
name |
String |
type |
PublicCAsProductType |
validationType |
PublicCAsProductValidationType |
signatureAlgorithms |
List of [string] |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
Long |
int64 |
fileName |
String |
pemCertificate |
String |
PEM Encoded Certificate
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
pemCertificate |
X |
String |
It includes all the properties that can be used for searching
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
simpleSearchTerm |
String |
realmIds |
Set of [UUID] |
uuid |
archived |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
secret |
String |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
password |
String |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
revocationReason |
RevocationReason |
It includes all the properties needed to revoke the desired Certificates
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
revokeCertificateDtos |
X |
List of RevokeCertificateDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certificateRevocationResult |
X |
CertificateRevocationResult |
certificateRevocationReason |
RevocationReason |
revocationResult |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
successfulRevocation |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certificateRevocationResult |
X |
CertificateRevocationResult |
revocationResult |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
entityId |
X |
uuid |
permissions |
X |
Set of CertRequestPermission |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
entityId |
X |
uuid |
permissions |
X |
Set of CertificatePermission |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
entityId |
X |
uuid |
permissions |
X |
Set of EndEntityPermission |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
entityId |
X |
uuid |
permissions |
X |
Set of PolicyPermission |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
entityId |
X |
uuid |
permissions |
X |
Set of RealmPermission |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
keySize |
X |
RsaKeySize |
exponent |
Integer |
cryptoAlgorithm |
X |
CryptoAlgorithm |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
data |
X |
byte[] |
byte |
policyId |
X |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
data |
X |
byte[] |
byte |
policyId |
X |
uuid |
encodedIssuer |
byte[] |
byte |
algorithmID |
X |
byte[] |
byte |
It includes all the properties that can be used for the search
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
simpleSearchTerm |
String |
archived |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
validNotBefore |
Date |
date-time |
validNotAfter |
Date |
date-time |
fingerprint |
String |
issuerCaId |
uuid |
rootCa |
Boolean |
issuerDn |
String |
subjectDn |
String |
verifyServers |
Boolean |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of SearchCaResponseDto |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
It includes filters that will be used to search for the desired resources
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
keys |
List of SettingsKey |
It includes filters that will be used to search for the desired resources
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
simpleSearchTerm |
String |
It includes all the properties needed to set an Alias for an End Entity
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
endEntityStrategy |
X |
EndEntityStrategy |
alias |
X |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
data |
X |
byte[] |
byte |
algorithmAID |
X |
byte[] |
byte |
policyId |
X |
uuid |
encodedIssuer |
byte[] |
byte |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
signerConfiguration |
X |
String |
cmpSignatureAlgorithm |
X |
CmpSignatureAlgorithm |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certRequestId |
uuid |
certificateId |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
certificateFingerprint |
String |
certRequestId |
uuid |
certRequestStatus |
CertRequestStatus |
It includes all the properties needed to update an Api Client
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
String |
The name that the resource will be updated with. The property isn't required but you must define at least one of the name and defaultPolicyId properties |
defaultPolicyId |
The defaultPolicyId that the resource will be updated with. It must be of Type UUID. The property isn't required but you must define at least one of the name and defaultPolicyId properties |
uuid |
version |
Integer |
The current Version of the Entity that the client is requesting to update. It is used to check whether a newer Version of the Entity currently exists before the update. |
int32 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
secret |
X |
String |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes all the properties needed for the update
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
verifyServers |
Boolean |
version |
Integer |
int32 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
validNotBefore |
Date |
date-time |
validNotAfter |
Date |
date-time |
fingerprint |
String |
issuerCaId |
uuid |
rootCa |
Boolean |
issuerDn |
String |
subjectDn |
String |
verifyServers |
Boolean |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes all the properties needed for the update
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
X |
String |
configuration |
X |
Object |
version |
Integer |
int32 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
name |
X |
String |
certificateProviderType |
X |
CertificateProviderType |
configuration |
X |
Object |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
It includes all the necessary values to update a batch of existing Configurations
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
updateConfigurationRequestDtoList |
List of UpdateConfigurationRequestDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
updateConfigurationResponseDtoList |
List of UpdateConfigurationResponseDto |
configurations |
List of [string] |
It includes all the necessary values to update an existing Configuration
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
settingsKey |
X |
SettingsKey |
configuration |
X |
String |
version |
Integer |
int32 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
configurationValue |
String |
setting |
SettingsKey |
version |
Integer |
int32 |
configuration |
String |
It includes all the properties needed to complete the update
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
X |
String |
emails |
List of CreateNewEmailRequestDto |
version |
X |
Integer |
int32 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
name |
String |
emails |
List of MailingListToEmailDto |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes all the properties needed for the update
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
X |
String |
certificateProviderId |
X |
uuid |
certificateProviderConfiguration |
X |
String |
allowedKeyPairModes |
X |
Set of KeyPairMode |
allowedValidForValues |
X |
Set of ValidFor |
cryptoRestrictions |
X |
CryptoRestrictionsDto |
version |
Integer |
int32 |
enforceActiveCertUniqueness |
Boolean |
enforceActiveCertUniquenessExpirationToleranceInDays |
Integer |
int32 |
endEntityRules |
Set of EndEntityRule |
cmpEnabled |
Boolean |
cmpConfigurationRequestDto |
CmpConfigurationRequestDto |
certificateImportAllowed |
Boolean |
selfSignedAllowed |
Boolean |
wildcardAllowed |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
name |
String |
certificateProviderDto |
CertificateProviderDto |
certificateProviderConfiguration |
String |
requiresManualApproval |
Boolean |
allowedKeyPairModes |
Set of KeyPairMode |
allowedValidForValues |
Set of ValidFor |
cryptoRestrictions |
CryptoRestrictionsDto |
endEntityRules |
Set of EndEntityRule |
dualControl |
Boolean |
requiresEmailVerification |
Boolean |
endEntityStrategy |
X |
EndEntityStrategy |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
enforceActiveCertUniqueness |
Boolean |
enforceActiveCertUniquenessExpirationToleranceInDays |
Integer |
int32 |
cmpEnabled |
Boolean |
cmpConfigurationResponseDto |
CmpConfigurationResponseDto |
certificateImportAllowed |
Boolean |
selfSignedAllowed |
Boolean |
wildcardAllowed |
Boolean |
It includes all the properties needed for the update
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
X |
String |
mailingListId |
uuid |
version |
Integer |
int32 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
name |
String |
mailingListDto |
MailingListDto |
archival |
ArchivedDtoUUID |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
It includes all the properties needed for the update
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
X |
String |
globalPermissions |
Set of GlobalPermission |
realmPermissions |
X |
policyPermissions |
X |
endEntityPermissions |
X |
certRequestPermissions |
X |
certificatePermissions |
X |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
String |
globalPermissions |
Set of GlobalPermission |
realmPermissions |
policyPermissions |
endEntityPermissions |
certRequestPermissions |
certificatePermissions |
It includes all the roles to be assigned to API clients
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
ids |
X |
Set of [UUID] |
uuid |
roles |
X |
Set of [string] |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
successful |
Set of [UUID] |
uuid |
failed |
Map of ApiError |
It includes all the roles to be associated with API client
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
roles |
X |
Set of [string] |
It includes the new user details
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
organization |
String |
organizationalUnit |
String |
country |
String |
commonName |
X |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
version |
X |
Integer |
int32 |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
certFromProviderReference |
String |
certificateId |
uuid |
base64EncodedPkcs12 |
String |
base64EncodedJceKs |
String |
fileName |
String |
filePassword |
String |
accessiblePrivateKey |
Boolean |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
uuid |
username |
X |
String |
firstName |
String |
lastName |
String |
X |
String |
commonName |
String |
organization |
String |
organizationalUnit |
String |
country |
String |
enabled |
Boolean |
passwordLoginEnabled |
Boolean |
providerId |
uuid |
certFromProviderReference |
String |
certificateId |
uuid |
accessiblePrivateKey |
Boolean |
metadata |
AuditedAndVersionDtoUUID |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of UserDetailsDto |
pageDetails |
PageDetailsDto |
It includes the list of provider id's associated with the users that a password update email will be sent.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
userProviderIdList |
List of [UUID] |
uuid |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
uuid |
securityIdentityType |
SecurityIdentityType |
certRequestAction |
CertRequestAction |
It includes all the properties that can be used for searching
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
simpleSearchTerm |
String |
userIds |
Set of [UUID] |
uuid |
withRaCertificate |
Boolean |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
isRootCa |
Boolean |
rootFingerprint |
String |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
verifiedImportCaDtoList |
List of VerifyImportCaDto |
It includes encoded certificates and the necessary metadata for it
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
policyId |
X |
uuid |
discoveredCertsInPem |
List of ImportPemCertificatesDto |
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
totalCertificatesToImport |
Long |
int64 |
It includes the Token
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
token |
String |